When people see their limitations over and over again, they get stuck in that place. In providing them with the skills to push themselves to do something they never thought was possible, they realise . . . anything is possible!
JUANITA SANGER - Founding Member, Fitness Trainer and Mentor
what we do
Women are supported on a journey which enables them to take emotional, physical and intellectual risks that build their confidence, self-worth and resilience, in order to develop the courage and determination to realise personal goals.
WSP offers accessible programs and events that integrate fitness, health, and wellbeing activities conducted in nature, enabling women to build strong connections with themselves, other women, the community and the environment.
Annual Flagship Programs
The Women's Spirit Project delivers targeted fitness, health and wellbeing programs for women in the Frankston, Kingston and Mornington Peninsula Region who typically do not have access to these activities.
Spirit Of Transformation Program
Over 13 weeks, our participants build mental, emotional & physical resilience and connections as they work towards their end goal of the Frankston to Cape Schanck walk. The program is free to join for participants and supported by local mentors.
Catchup and Connect Walks
A ‘free to join’ fortnightly gathering of local women who motivate each other to spend time outdoors, commit to regular exercise, develop strong community connections and achieve new goals.
Frank to Schanck (F2S) 60km Walk
The pinnacle event for the year, this three-day walk across the Mornington Peninsula enables our participants to achieve a significant wellbeing goal and benefit from a range of holistic program activities such as the Women’s Circle Celebration. Subsidies are provided for disadvantaged women.
Documentary: I Am Enough – The Voices and Stories of Women
This documentary charts the journey of the WSP, our volunteers and the women who have participated in our transformational programs.
Women’s Professional Development Targeted Leadership and Mentor Training
Designed to upskill volunteers, ensuring a culture of continuous learning and development and best practise program delivery.
All our programs are evaluated to enable us to collect evidence on our impact and outcomes. The data and stories provide rich information that informs the ongoing design and deliver of all activities

Who Are The Participants?
Spirit of Transformation Participants Are:
- determined and committed to make change
- courageous
- 25 years or older
- women experiencing barriers in their life, including but not limited to:
- addiction
- social isolation and loneliness
- mental health issues
- family violence
- homelessness
- long term unemployment
- low educational attainment
- poverty

Who Is Team Teal?
Women with lived experience, and from a wide range of backgrounds, have come together to co-design activities that develop the courage, confidence and determination our participants need to realise their life goals and in turn, create change within their families and communities.
Women who participate in the Spirit of Transformation Program, join our Catch-Up and Connect Walks and take on the annual Frank to Schanck Walk, mentor, partner and volunteer with the Women’s Spirit Project are known as Team Teal. They can often be seen walking the beaches and pathways of Frankston, Kingston and the Mornington Peninsula in groups, wearing teal t-shirts.
The mentors are women who support other women to complete the Spirit of Transformation Program. They are role models who actively participate in the program, ‘walk the talk’ and provide encouragement, support, and a listening ear to help participants achieve their personal goals.
Why the project began in Frankston

The Frankston community has a greater number of women doing it tough when compared to the rest of Victoria.
In the 2011 Census, the Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) Index was 996.7 which is extremely low compared to the state average. The SEIFA figure is attributed to community safety, housing insecurity, unemployment and child development.
Particular concerns in the community are families with high levels of family violence, child abuse and family breakdown, the number of children in out-of-home care, drug and alcohol abuse and the number of people experiencing mental illness, homelessness and unemployment.
Some statistics:
- 1 in 5 families are single parent families (20.5%) higher than the national average
- Nearly half of Frankston women earn below the minimum weekly wage (< $599)
- With low-income households or people living in socio-economic disadvantaged areas; higher rates of chronic diseases are prevalent
- 1 in 5 women report high levels of psychological distress.
- The highest rate of family violence in Metropolitan Melbourne.
Women from the community experience a range of barriers that prevent them from participating in physical activities and sports. These barriers compound their vulnerability and the risks they and their families’ experience. Barriers for women participating in physical activity:
- Women are unlikely to see the benefits of physical activity
- Low household income
- Feel intimidated due to being overweight
- Feel embarrassed
- Lack of good, safe walking paths
- Lack of ‘me’ time.