Welcome to your personal getaway with a single purpose - your wellbeing.
You'll be joined by a fabulous bunch of like-minded women who are coming together to hit the trails, get away from overwhelm and dive into a journey of recovery. Finish feeling empowered to start 2022 with more clarity, energy and a greater sense of balance.

Ready to bring back some calm?
Whether you want to head outdoors, improve your fitness or are craving some well-deserved 'me' time...
this walk is for you.

Choose your own adventure!
It's all about you!
When signing up, just pick the length you'd like to walk or run within the 8 weeks. Walk as much or as little as you like!
Event Details
- Free to register
- Duration: 8 week journey from Saturday 2 October to Sunday 28 November
- Walk where you live! It’s a virtual walk (or run), so you can join no matter where you are
- Decide your distance: choose your walking or running distance each week
- All welcome: women and girls – from all walks of life
- Team up or fly solo: You can walk with a colleague, friend or family member(s) and hit the trails together. If you have family and friends interstate or overseas — this is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with those you have lost touch with — invite them on a joint virtual adventure! If you want to get away from it all and / or make new connections – join solo!
- Track your distance: on Challengehound and our Strava Club.
- Share: we can’t wait to see what you share and gain from our network. You can post photos, inspiration or updates to our Facebook group.
- Support: be joined by a fabulous online community and receive plenty of support, resources, inspiration and motivation along the way.
- Find the answer to frequently asked questions below.
- Covid Safe: all activities will be undertaken in compliance with the government restrictions.

Ready to join?
It's as easy as 1-2-3
Receive a confirmation email with event details and further information.
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Walk 4 Well-being 2021 Sign up form.
Delivered with support from our sponsors

The Walk 4 Wellbeing is an initiative of the Women’s Spirit Project which aims to inspire and empower women to transform their lives through fitness, health and wellbeing activities.
Women’s Spirit Project takes the COVID-19 Health restrictions seriously and all activities will be undertaken in compliance with the government restrictions that apply for the duration of the event.
- Any in person walks as part of the event will be COVID-19 safe, the Women’s Spirit Project has an appropriate COVID-19 safe plan, in accordance with Dept of Health and Human Services COVID-19 guidelines around group numbers, density and masks.
- All participants will be required to commit to NOT attending in person events if they are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms. If symptoms develop during training/the event participants will be required to advise WSP Volunteers and leave the event immediately.
- More information about restrictions can be found on the DHHS website https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-covid-
If/when in person walks are arranged each attendee (participant, volunteer, attendee or spectator ) is required to complete a symptom self-assessment prior to leaving home and not attend if they are unwell or have been instructed to isolate or quarantine.
- Attendees must maintain at least 1.5m physical distance between those from other groups at all times.
- To minimise movement, attendees must stay within their allocated spaces or seats where practical.
- Requirements for face covering as per DHHS requirements, observe cough etiquette and personal hygiene measures.
Everyone’s journey will be different, it’s not a race! You can choose your own experience by selecting your distance and the number of days you’ll walk each week in the registration form. Sign up to 5km per week or choose a longer distance and challenge yourself to go further.
You can choose from
40km (5km per week)
80km (10km per week)
160km (20km per week)
200km (25km per week)
240km (30km per week)
280km (35km per week)
320km (40km per week)
360km (45km per week)
400km (50km per week)
440km (55km per week)
480km (60km per week)
520km (65km per week)
560km (70km per week)
The event is open to people who identify as a woman and are aged over 18.
You do not need to reside in South East Melbourne.
Registrations are open to all people who identify as a woman and are aged 18 and over.
We encourage girls from 12 plus years of age to join the walk with a parent, carer, aunt or grandparent.
Yes, men can walk with the women who participate and support them, but only women can register and join the event.
Record your walks and log your kms throughout the event to complete your personal distance.
You can log your kms in the following ways:
Your own GPS device
A fitness app such as Strava, Garmin or MapMyFitness
Convert your time spent walking to approximate kms manually
Strava is an online Fitness app. It helps you see how you’re tracking, allows our community to encourage each other and is great for motivation. If you don’t want to sign up to STRAVA, that’s okay!
Challengehound is a website which tracks group challenges. It is great for motivation. If you don’t want to sign up to ChallengeHound, that’s okay!
Yes, invited to a closed Facebook group, the ‘WSP Why Women Walk Community’. We strongly encourage you to join – this is where all the motivation, inspiration and community connection will happen!
Yes! You can join at any stage between Saturday 2 October to Sunday 28 November.
If you are having any problems signing up, we are here to help! Message us via facebook or please email
Terms and Conditions
In registering for The Walk 4 Well-being event from October 2 to November 28 an event of the Women’s Spirit Project (incorporated as The Motivation Project), I agree to the terms and conditions.
- The decision to participate in the Walk 4 Well-being Event is entirely my own and I understand that walking is a potentially hazardous activity. I attest that I will be physically fit prior to undertaking the Walk 4 Wellbeing Event and that I am not aware of any illness, injury, physical disability or impairment that may cause me injury or death during, or as a consequence, of my participation
- I am aware that the Walk 4 Wellbeing event is a choose your own distance event and I am responsible for selecting a distance that matches my physical and mental ability.
- I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation in the Walk 4 Well-being, including but not limited to, loss of life or permanent injury. I agree, in consideration of, and as a condition of acceptance of my entry in the Walk 4 Well-being Event for myself, my heirs, executors and/or administrators, to hereby waive all and any claim, right or cause of action which could, would or might arise out of my death or injury, damage or loss of any description whatsoever that I may suffer or sustain in the course of, or consequent upon my entry or participation in the Event or as a result of any acts or omissions whether negligent or otherwise of the Women’s Spirit Project, their authorised representatives or any other party involved in the Walk 4 Well-being Event.
- This waiver, release and discharge shall be (and operate separately) in favour of all persons, corporations and bodies involved, or otherwise engaged in promotion or staging the Walk 4 Well-being (including but not limited to the Women’s Spirit Project) and each of their directors, officers, agents, contractors, employees, servants, representatives, promoters, sponsors and volunteers, including the owners, licensees and occupiers of land upon which the Event or any part of it takes place, any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the Event or any part of it takes place or which is involved directly or indirectly with the Event in any manner whatsoever. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns.
- I consent to the publication and/or use of my name, image, photos I share on social media, challenge result or otherwise, (including the publication of my name and/or Walk 4 Well-being event result) in any broadcast, telecast, advertising, promotion or other account of this Event, in any form of media and social media whatsoever including advertising and promotions for future Women’s Spirit Project events, or for any legitimate purpose without payment or compensation).
- I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that I am familiar with and abide by the COVID-19 restrictions and advice set out by the Victorian State Government (or my relevant jurisdiction if outside of Victoria).
- I commit to NOT attending in person events if I am experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms. If symptoms develop during training/the event I will advise WSP Volunteers and leave the event immediately.
- The Women’s Spirit Project takes the COVID-19 Health restrictions seriously and all activities will be undertaken within the government restrictions that apply at the time of participation and in accordance with our COVID safe plan. More information about restrictions can be found on the DHHS website https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-covid-19
- I acknowledge that the Women’s Spirit Project reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of the Why Women Walk Event at any time.
I understand that I can gain access to my personal information and request that such details be updated if they change in the future by writing to the Women’s Spirit Project at [email protected]
- Privacy Statement: The Women’s Spirit Project and its authorised representatives respect and value the privacy of all participants and the information we collect about Walk 4 Well-being Event participants. As the organisers of the Walk 4 Well-being Event, the Women’s Spirit Project and its authorised representative collect information about participants for the administration and conduct of the Walk 4 Well-being Event. Information collected will be securely stored on our database. By entering this Walk 4 Well-being Event, you consent to your personal information being provided and used as outlined above. You further consent to receiving information and marketing material from the Women’s Spirit Project and its authorised representatives.
- I declare that all the information supplied by me on the entry form is true and correct.