Monash University Evalution Comments from Dr Ruth Jeanes


Associate Professor and Director of Initial Teacher Education in the Faculty of Education at Monash University

Dr Ruth Jeans

I am an Associate Professor and Director of Initial Teacher Education in the Faculty of Education at Monash University.

My research focuses on the use of sport and physical activity as a community development resource, particularly as a tool to address social exclusion amongst marginalized communities. I, with my colleague Dr lisahunter are responsible for the evaluation of the Women’s Spirit Project. Within this, we will be examining the outcomes and impacts of the project for participants, mentors and organisers and also evaluating the ways in which the project has been managed and delivered.

It is anticipated that the evaluation will provide valuable information on how the program can be developed and enhanced in the future and as well as evidencing its impact on the women involved.

Monash University Evaluation Dr Ruth Jeanes


You’re now officially registered for the Walk4Wellbeing from Sat 02 October to Sun 28 November.

Please check your emails (including spam!) for next steps including instructions to get ready and meet our fabulous bunch of fellow participants.

We’re excited to have you on board. We’ll see you in the Facebook group soon (

Happy Trails,
Women Spirit Project team.